Why Police Car Graphics Matter

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When you think of graphics, you likely think of visuals. But the truth is, police car graphics go so far beyond just a visual. They also demonstrate a police department’s brand, values, and mission.

When graphics on a police car are often the first impression members of the public have of law enforcement—they matter a lot!

Why Police Car Graphics Matter

Considering that the design of police car graphics can actually make a big difference in how a community perceives its local police force, police departments must carefully consider their design choices to be confident that their graphics accurately represent their department.

Community Engagement and Perception

The graphics on police cars can also influence how the community views officers. When well-designed to resemble professionalism and friendliness, they can foster better relationships between police officers and the public.

Consider these results from a 2018 study published in the Journal of Experimental Criminology:

The public was more likely to perceive officers in marked police vehicles more favorably than they were for police in unmarked vehicles. Additionally, the public had a more positive perception of officers in marked police vehicles with a black-and-white color scheme than those with blue-and-white graphics.

Poorly designed graphics can leave the public with a bad impression of any business or brand. In the case of police departments, this can include the impression of the department and its officers.

Safety and Visibility

Along with community engagement, police car graphics also contribute to safety for both the public and the officers who use them. The graphics on a police car aren’t just decorations! They should also be highly visible and distinctly identify the vehicle as a law enforcement unit.

Bold colors, reflective materials, and large lettering boost a police car’s visibility. These graphics can make all the difference during emergencies when quick identification is necessary for public safety.

Visibility is a vital consideration for police car graphics. This 2023 study revealed that, among over 3,000 respondents, there is “a strong preference for police vehicle designs that are highly visible and identifiable.”

Branding and Unity

Most businesses use branding to create a cohesive image, and police departments are no exception! Many rely on graphics to differentiate their “brand” and create unity within the department.

A consistent design across all police cars in a department can also help build recognition and trust within the community. When citizens see a car with familiar graphics, they know it is from their local police force—creating a sense of security and familiarity.

Police Car Graphics: Design Elements to Consider

Now that we know more about the value of police vehicle graphics, let’s talk about designing them for ultimate impact.

Key Elements: Colors, Logos, Fonts

Ideally, you’ll end up with the perfect combination of colors, logos, and fonts to accurately reflect your department. Before selecting colors, think not only about what is an attractive color combination but also about what will convey the message you want to communicate.

Police departments often use bold and/or high-contrast colors for their graphics since they increase visibility and grab attention. However, some departments may choose more muted or traditional colors if that better suits their department and the communities they serve.

Interestingly, a 2012 study found that respondents were more likely to categorize a vehicle with black and white graphics as a police car. They were also more likely to categorize a vehicle with all-white graphics as a standard passenger car.

Logos matter, too. After all, they serve as a visual representation of the department and its mission. Logos should be clear, easy to read, and easily identifiable from a distance.

Lastly, don’t overlook the fonts you choose! They make a big difference in your department’s graphics’ overall look and feel. Choose a font the public can easily read that aligns with the department’s brand and values, too.

Legibility and Visibility

Police car graphics can help save the lives of officers and civilians during emergencies—particularly on busy roads, at night, or in areas with high-speed limits. When other drivers can spot your fleet from further away, it gives them time to ensure they pass safely and can slow down if necessary.

Visibility is also important to the public in emergency situations. Citizens need to know where to go for help and must be able to easily identify a law enforcement vehicle.

For your graphics, carefully consider the size and placement of lettering and the use of reflective materials for optimal visibility at night.

Watch out for cluttered or overly complex designs, too—they can be difficult to read from a distance. Focus on simplicity with clear fonts and minimal text for maximum impact.

Aesthetics, Practicality, Functionality

Of course, you want your police graphics to look great. But this should never come at the cost of your graphics’ practicality and functionality. A sleek, modern design may not necessarily be the best choice for a police car that needs to be easily identifiable in all weather conditions.

Graphics should function well in demonstrating the department’s identity and boosting visibility for safety purposes. They should also be easy to maintain. Consider materials that are durable and can withstand regular exposure to the elements.

Some materials last longer than others, and you want your investment in graphics to pay off for as long as possible, so don’t opt for the most cost-effective option without considering its durability.

Work with a graphic design company specializing in emergency vehicle graphics to ensure your design is aesthetically appealing and practical for lasting use.

Designing Your Police Car Graphics

Whether you decide on a high-contrast design or something more subtle for ghost cars, turning to professional graphic designers will improve the entire process.

The team at Graphic Designs International specializes in graphics for emergency vehicles, including security, police, and fire. Contact them today to discuss your fleet’s goals and how they can bring them to life.

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